Rainbows for Our Sunshine

You cannot imagine how happy I became today when a plan finally came together, after the week I’ve had. My first kid is eight today. I know, where has the time gone? I can’t believe he’s that old, yada, yada, yada. I’m a mom, I have those thoughts. However, any sadness is quickly replaced by, “Wahoo…what kind of cake can I make?!!!”

1-jar The boy loves rainbows. Always has. So when I saw these jar cakes online, I knew I had to try it. The Family Kitchen blog has great instructions, but you basically make a white cake mix, divide into 5 parts, tint with Neon Food Color, and layer. Put them in about 1/2” water in a baking pan. Bake for about 35-40 min at 350. Voila. Super easy, took an hour from start to finish to mix and bake. Another ten minutes this afternoon to frost. And a trip to town to buy ice cream because of course we were out of vanilla.

The ones I saw filled the entire jar, but I’m planning to serve a scoop of ice cream on top of mine. We’re having a Pizza and Polar Express movie night for his birthday, so I thought it possibly would be neater if they ate directly from the jars. Plus, I think kids will think they’re cool. I do. And, as I’ve established before on this blog, that’s what it’s all about. Me and my opinions.

all-jars One cake mix made 8 pint, wide mouth jars. As you can see, they’re about half full.After they cooled, I put frosting in a ziploc, cut the corner off, and piped it in neatly. Or semi-neatly. Then I used the back of a spoon to smooth it out.

I’m pretty sure the birthday boy will dig them.

Enjoy the weekend, if you wanna.

About Megan

My various hats: mom to three crazy teens and one quirky dog, wife of 27 years to my retired GI Joe, and high school math teacher. After my husband's retirement from the Army, we've settled in the Pacific Northwest. Crafting, cooking, photography, and reading keep me sane (that's a relative term!) and I hope you'll enjoy following along as I navigate the chaos of life!
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1 Response to Rainbows for Our Sunshine

  1. Dania says:

    These are beautiful and look soooo yummy!

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