Banana Fluffernutter Sandwiches (with Homemade Fluff!)

To kick off Spring Break last week (and because I’ve been wanting to make homemade fluff for ages), I made Homemade Marshmallow Fluff and whipped up some Banana Flufflernutter Sandwiches for lunch. My kids thought I was the bomb-diggity, as the kids say nowadays.


Making marshmallow fluff is so simple, y’all.  From just a few ingredients from your pantry, you get about six cups of the ooey, gooey, delicious spread to use on sandwiches, as fruit or graham cracker dip, or to drop into hot chocolate.  It’ll keep a couple of weeks out of the frig in an airtight container, or refrigerate it and it might last longer. Ours didn’t have a chance to go bad. Fluff-Title-ChaosServedDail

I followed this recipe from King Arthur Flour, using honey instead of corn syrup.

Homemade Marshmallow Fluff

  • 1/3 cup water
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup or honey
  • 3 egg whites, room temperature
  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1) In a medium-sized saucepan combine the water, sugar and honey. Stir gently to combine. Insert a candy thermometer set for 240°F and heat over medium-high flame. Do not stir the sugar water as it cooks or it will form crystals.

2) When the sugar syrup begins to form large bubbles, and the thermometer reads about 225°F to 230°F, place the egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of your stand mixer and beat the whites to soft peaks. This should take about 3 to 4 minutes.

3) By the time the whites are whipped, the sugar syrup should be at 240°F. Remove from the heat and with the mixer running, carefully pour the syrup in a thin, steady stream into the whites.

4) The whites will deflate slightly at first, but as the sugar syrup becomes incorporated, they will thicken, turn white and begin to fluff up.

5) Continue to whip the fluffy spread for 7 to 8 minutes, or until very thick and glossy. Add in the vanilla and whip for another minute. Those droplets on the sides of the bowl are hardened syrup that didn’t get mixed in quickly enough.  And the brown is the vanilla I just added.Fluff-Mix-ChaosServedDaily

6) Pour the spread into an airtight container. Store for up to 2 weeks at room temperature. The spread can be rewhipped by hand if it becomes “flat”.

King Arthur says it yields 3 cups, but mine made over 6 cups…and I followed the directions exactly.  Then I made us sandwiches for lunch.  There’s half a banana on each sandwich and about 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Then a heaping dollop of marshmallow fluff!Fluff-Open-Sand-ChaosServed

The kids thought this was better than store-bought. It’s definitely less sweet and much less sticky. I still made them eat lunch outside, though, since it was sunny and warm, after all!



About Megan

My various hats: mom to three crazy teens and one quirky dog, wife of 27 years to my retired GI Joe, and high school math teacher. After my husband's retirement from the Army, we've settled in the Pacific Northwest. Crafting, cooking, photography, and reading keep me sane (that's a relative term!) and I hope you'll enjoy following along as I navigate the chaos of life!
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1 Response to Banana Fluffernutter Sandwiches (with Homemade Fluff!)

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Very cool!

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