Flannel Owl Handwarmers

Princess Thundercloud and I got our craft on last weekend, mostly because she has a gift exchange at her gymnastics party and handmade gifts were strongly encouraged. We came up with a cute and useful gift, though…Flannel Owl Handwarmers. Handwarmers-ChaosServedDail

To make some for yourself, or for cold little hands you might know, you’ll need just a few supplies:

  • Scraps of flannel
  • Thread and sewing machine
  • Rice, 1/4 cup per handwarmer
  • Essential oil, if you’d like (we used lavender in some and peppermint in some)

We freehand drew an owl outline, about 4 inches high and 3 inches wide.  Cut two of those for each handwarmer.

For the eyes, we cut 3 sets of progressively smaller circles.  The largest is a little more than an inch in diameter, and the smallest is between 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch. Then we cut some triangles for beaks.  We sewed all those on the front owl piece.  Actually, I sewed, my helper just placed them for me. Despite her suggestion that she operate the foot pedal while I held the pieces in place as the needle pierced all of my fingers.

Next, we sewed the front and back together, topstitching them, since you can’t throw these in the washing machine, with the rice filling, anyway. I left about 3/4 inch unsewn at the bottom to add the rice.

For the filling, measure a quarter cup of rice for each handwarmer into a bowl, then add a few drops of essential oil, if you’re using it, and stir to combine well. Fit a funnel into the gap in the owl’s body, and pour 1/4 cup rice into the owl body.  Then finish stitching it closed, either with the sewing machine or by hand.  If you’re using the sewing machine, don’t fill the body too full, or it’s impossible to sew shut on the machine.

We tested these by heating them for 15 seconds, then taking the dog for a walk…they worked perfectly to keep our fingers toasty!  We made enough to give to the recess duties, as well…I’m sure their fingers are freezing while standing out there watching my hooligans misbehave!


About Megan

My various hats: mom to three crazy teens and one quirky dog, wife of 27 years to my retired GI Joe, and high school math teacher. After my husband's retirement from the Army, we've settled in the Pacific Northwest. Crafting, cooking, photography, and reading keep me sane (that's a relative term!) and I hope you'll enjoy following along as I navigate the chaos of life!
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3 Responses to Flannel Owl Handwarmers

  1. Kristy says:

    Megan OD, you are ALWAYS coming up with the most clever /useful/wonderful crafts to make, but these owl hand warmers may be my all time favorite!!

  2. Kathy V. says:

    You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. Such a cute, useful idea. Bet they’ll be a huge hit. And what a fun memory for the Princess.

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