Simple Knotted Jar Hangers for May Day

So, even though we have rarely remembered May Day (May 1) or to deliver flowers to our neighbors on that day, following an old tradition, I have the best of intentions this year. And I want you to remember and plan ahead, too, so here’s a post from last summer that would be perfect for May Day giving!

These jar hanger are so simple, y’all…you’re going to be in search of places you can hang “just one more!” They’re perfect for flowers or candles, or I’m sure you can think of something else. And…this is important…Ball released these vintage-style blue-green jars last summer and green ones this spring…I saw both at Michaels just yesterday. I love that they’re heat safe, for canning, which my vintage jars are not. But on with the how-to for these hangers.



  • Five pieces of twine or whatever rope you’d like to use, each 6 feet long
  • A ring to hang from…I used a key ring
  • A jar or other heatproof container (if using for candles)

1. Gather all five pieces of twine and fold in half. Tie onto the ring at the center of the twine.


2. About 8 inches down, tie every two strands together, for a total of five knots.Hanger2-ChaosServedDaily

3. Scoot down the twine about 4 inches (I used the width of my hand for consistency) and tie one strand from each of two neighboring knots together, forming another five knots. Hanger-3-ChaosServedDaily4. Move down a couple more inches and repeat step 3, tying knots using strands from neighboring knots to form a web.  To finish it off, tie a knot with all the strands about 3 inches below the last knots.Hanger-6-ChaosServedDaily

5. Put your jar into the center, and you’re ready to hang it! (Don’t tell you neighbors, but I think they’re perfect for a Ding-Dong Dash…you know, ring the doorbell, leave the jar of flowers, and dash!)


About Megan

My various hats: mom to three crazy teens and one quirky dog, wife of 27 years to my retired GI Joe, and high school math teacher. After my husband's retirement from the Army, we've settled in the Pacific Northwest. Crafting, cooking, photography, and reading keep me sane (that's a relative term!) and I hope you'll enjoy following along as I navigate the chaos of life!
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2 Responses to Simple Knotted Jar Hangers for May Day

  1. Stephanie A. says:

    I love and adore this gift so much! I’ve made many and given as gifts, and today I’m going to show a young lady how to make them too! She saw mine and went crazy for it. 🙂 Thanks for posting it again.

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